fat loss
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The first consideration is whether this fat is external or internal. If it is external, it is in the subcutaneous tissue and is usually pinchable. If it is internal or visceral fat, it is located behind the muscles and is deep in the belly, around the stomach and intestines.
If the fat is external, you do have some treatment options, both invasive an non-invasive, that can help. External fat is amenable to the various types of liposuction, such as Smartlipo (my preferred technique), and non-invasive techniques such as Sculpsure (my preferred technique) and Coolsculpt. A tummy tuck can remove the spare tire, provided the fat is external. A tummy tuck can also tighten the abdominal muscle wall, which makes the stomach flatter. Of course, you will get a better result if you combine these treatments with the methods below which will decrease your overall body fat, in addition to these spot treatments.
If the fat is internal, none of the above techniques will truly work, and it will come down to diet and exercise. Dieting is even more important than exercise, but clearly, both are complimentary. There are a multitude of diets. The common theme for all the sensible ones is stopping all sodas, including diet sodas (many studies have shown that diet drinks actually lead to weight gain, plus they are very unhealthy) and eliminating processed foods and refined sugars (as much as possible all sugars including alcohol). We have had great results with my patients with the Paleo Meal Replacement, but it is certainly not the only way to achieve great results.